Getting Started with FL Studio
First, make sure that you have the Dubler application open, and check that the Dubler mic is connected. The Vochlea logo at the top of the app will light up when the mic is connected.
Once this done make sure that Enable MIDI remote control is selected on the Options drop-down menu, ‘MIDI input’ will be disabled otherwise
In MIDI settings select Dubler from the Input section and select (generic controller) from the Controller type menu. Once this is selected make sure to click Enable below the input box
Next in the Audio tab make sure that the buffer length is set to 128smp or below in order to reduce and latency
IMPORTANT: If you're on windows you'll need to use an audio driver such as ASIO4ALL or a driver that comes with an audio interface to make sure you have low latency. You can find out how to setup ASIO4ALL here. Once your audio driver is selected make sure the buffer size for the driver matches the buffer size in Ableton
IMPORTANT: If you're on windows you'll need to use an audio driver such as ASIO4ALL or a driver that comes with an audio interface to make sure you have low latency. You can find out how to setup ASIO4ALL here. Once your audio driver is selected make sure the buffer size for the driver matches the buffer size in Ableton
You can now exit the preference. If the MIDI connection is successful the MIDI activity light on the main panel will blink each time controller data is received.
In the channel rack you can lock a channel to receive information from a certain MIDI channel in Dubler. To do this, right click on the selected channel go to Receive notes from -> Dubler and then select the channel you’d like to take information from
By default the pitch side works on MIDI channel 1. Triggers works on MIDI channel 10
If you have selected a channel on the channel rack it will receive information from all Channels. Locking the channel will allow you to play them at all times whatever you have selected
By default the pitch side works on MIDI channel 1. Triggers works on MIDI channel 10
If you have selected a channel on the channel rack it will receive information from all Channels. Locking the channel will allow you to play them at all times whatever you have selected
If you have multiple drum samples on a channel rack, then Dubler will only be able to control one sound at a time regardless of how many triggers you have. In order to control a full kit you'll need to setup a channel with FPC or another sampler such as Native Instruments Battery for example.
If you're using FPC you can load it on to a channel by right clicking a channel, navigating to 'Insert' and selecting FPC from the Drum section
If you're using FPC you can load it on to a channel by right clicking a channel, navigating to 'Insert' and selecting FPC from the Drum section
You can use the presets on FPC, however if you want to control your own samples you'll need to create an empty bank. You can do this by selecting the drop down arrow in the top left of FPC, opening Presets and selecting Empty.
Once this is done you can now drag any samples you like onto FPC to control a full kit using triggers.
Once this is done you can now drag any samples you like onto FPC to control a full kit using triggers.