How to do a fresh reinstall of Dubler 2
On occasions Dubler 2 can incorrectly install which can lead to issues with Dubler 2 being visible as an input in your DAW, connecting to MIDI Capture or a number of other issues in the app.
When experiencing issues, a first port of call is to perform a complete reinstall of Dubler 2 and it's components. To do this you must first delete and uninstall all parts of Dubler 2 and then install the latest version from our download page. To reinstall Dubler 2 please follow the steps below depeding on your OS.
When experiencing issues, a first port of call is to perform a complete reinstall of Dubler 2 and it's components. To do this you must first delete and uninstall all parts of Dubler 2 and then install the latest version from our download page. To reinstall Dubler 2 please follow the steps below depeding on your OS.
Windows Users
Step 1 - In Windows search for Add or Remove Programs
Step 2 - Once inside this section of the control panel scroll down and uninstall Dubler 2, DublerMidiCapture and teVirtualMIDI64
Step 3 - Once you have removed all of the above, head to your account via our website and re-downlaod Dubler 2.
Step 4- Once downloaded, restart your device
Step 4- Once downloaded, restart your device
Mac Users
If you are uninstalling Dubler on a Mac device - please follow these steps.
Step 1 - Search for Dubler2 in your applications folder, click and drag it into your Trash
Step 2 - Click on Finder, at the top of the screen click Go -> Go to Folder and search for /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3.
Step 1 - Search for Dubler2 in your applications folder, click and drag it into your Trash
Step 2 - Click on Finder, at the top of the screen click Go -> Go to Folder and search for /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3.
Step 3 - in the VST3 folder scroll down and search for Dubler-MIDI-capture.vst3 and click and drag this into your trash and empty it
Step 4 - Head to the Componants folder and remove Dubler-midi-capture.component to your trash
Step 5 - Once you have emptied your trash, head to your account on our website and re-download and install Dubler 2
Step 6 - Once installed, restart your device and load Dubler 2