Voice-to-Guitar With Dubler 2
2 min read • 23rd Jan 2024Ranging from slow acoustic arpeggios to distorted solos, here are some of our favorite Dubler 2 videos in which Voice-to-MIDI is used to play guitar sounds.

In this first video Elmer Abapo demonstrates how to create more realistic souding guitar parts by layering multiple melodies and extending notes to add sustain:
In the next video Aykan from Team Vochlea records a full guitar solo using our MIDI Capture plugin, which cleans up the MIDI you record by getting rid of any short error notes:
In video number three Elmer again uses an acoustic guitar software instrument to record multiple arpeggio parts, but this time he adds a synth lead and bassline as well:
This fourth video is a 'highlights' version of our full Producing Rock With Dubler 2 tutorial! Aykan uses Dubler 2's Triggers, Chords, and Pitch features to play in acoustic drums, synth pad, bass, and guitar parts:
In the final video Elmer again shows off his prowess with singing acoustic guitar lines, while also using Dubler 2's Triggers function to beatbox MIDI drums to life: