Vochlea Chats With... Hollie Buhagiar

4 min read • 18th Jun 2021
hollie buhagiar

We caught up with award-winning composer Hollie Buhagiar about workflow speed and Dubler discoveries... 

Hi Hollie! Could you introduce yourself?
My name is Hollie Buhagiar, I’m a film and TV composer and an occasional session vocalist, am in the thick of writing my own personal album at the moment too. I’m mainly based in London but I often move between there and the motherland of mine that is Gibraltar.

Why did you decide to start using Dubler?
I’d actually been hoping for the technology to exist in some capacity for quite some time and then serendipitously stumbled across Dubler and I just couldn’t not try it out! Can you give us three words that sum up the Dubler Studio Kit? Creative, inspiring and user-friendly.

How has using Dubler impacted your workflow?
It’s been absolutely brilliant, I’ve found that quite often my mind works far faster than my fingers do when writing and Dubler has enabled me to close that gap completely.

Tell us something you’ve discovered since you started using Dubler?
I love experimentation in all its forms and this manner of creation has connected me even more to my craft. I’ve also had such fun with Dubler’s settings and playing with how it and the human voice (and just various sound in general) respond to each other. It’s really allowed for some amazing ideas to be birthed that I don’t believe I would of had the capacity to create without it.

How would you like to see the use of Dubler expand?
It would be supremely interesting to see how those experimentations I mentioned could be pushed even further. I just adore breaking through any sort of boundaries and I feel as though this technology could really lead to some incredible discoveries.

Do you have any music or video releases coming up that feature Dubler?
Yes! Quite a few projects actually, I’ve been implementing the use of Dubler into most of my projects in some way since I came across it. Everything from an animation short through to a live action feature film and a documentary series, with many more pieces in the works too.

Hollie Buhagiar's experience spans worldwide and includes work for the likes of Amazon, Sky, Channel 4, BFI, NOWNESS, Creative England, Tate, The Guardian, Film London, VICE and BBC. Her projects have received critical acclaim winning various prestigious awards, these include a Gold British Arrow and a BAFTA. Aside from this, Hollie is an accomplished session vocalist having worked on everything from prime time television shows to worldwide advertising campaigns, the most recent of which being seasons eleven and twelve of Doctor Who.

You can find Hollie on all social media platforms on @hollieboohiya and find out more about her work at www.holliebuhagiar.com