여러분의 아이디어와 음악을 연결하세요
노래로", 허밍으로, 비트박스로, 휘파람으로 여러분의 음악적인 아이디어들을 미디로 바꿀 수 있습니다
여러분의 음악적인 아이디어들을 미디로 바꿀 수 있습니다노래로"

Dubler는 이런 분들께 유용합니다...

음악을 만들어보세요 당신의 목소리로
이제 아이디어를 DAW에 기록하는 방법에 대해 고민할 필요 없이 좋아하는 음악을 더 많이 만들 수 있습니다. Dubler 2는 당신의 목소리를 실시간 미디 컨트롤러로 변형시켜 당신의 프로듀싱에 날개를 달아줍니다. 노래를 부르고, 박자를 맞추거나, 흥얼거리거나, 휘파람을 불수만 있다면 모든지 연주할 수 있습니다.
이제 아이디어를 DAW에 기록하는 방법에 대해 고민할 필요 없이 좋아하는 음악을 더 많이 만들 수 있습니다. Dubler 2는 당신의 목소리를 실시간 미디 컨트롤러로 변형시켜 당신의 프로듀싱에 날개를 달아줍니다. 노래를 부르고, 박자를 맞추거나, 흥얼거리거나, 휘파람을 불수만 있다면 모든지 연주할 수 있습니다.
왜 Dubler 일까요?
하나의 목소리로, 수천가지의 MIDI 사운드
풍부하고 복잡한 트랙을 쓰는데 필요한 건 오직 여러분의 목소리뿐입니다. 가상 악기, 드럼, 이펙트를 목소리로 쉽게 컨트롤하세요.
라이브 비트를 목소리만으로
여러분의 목소리로 소프트웨어 악기를 실시간으로 연주, 컨트롤하고 바꿔보세요. Dubler 2를 학습시켜 여러분의 목소리로 샘플이나 드럼을 연주할 수 있습니다.
음악적 아이디어를 빠르게 스케치
워크 플로를 빠르게 간소화 할 수 있습니다. Dubler 2가 여러분 목소리의 음정을 실시간으로 MIDI로 바꿔드립니다.
창의력 확장
인간적인 느낌이 나는 신선하고 독특한 곡을 만들 수 있습니다. 보컬 모듈레이션, 화음, 실시간 트리거링으로 실험해 보세요.
라이브 퍼포먼스 향상
다이나믹한 보컬 컨트롤 효과들과 모듈레이션으로 청중들을 사로잡아보세요.
다양한 플랫폼들과의 호환성
Dubler 2는 Mac OS, Windows와 호환됩니다. 모든 DAW와 호환되며 외부 하드웨어와도 캘리브레이션 할 수 있습니다

14일내 환불 보장
14일 동안 Dubler 2를 체험해보세요
14일 동안 Dubler 2를 체험해보세요
미리 들어보기
Actually Life changing
This device singlehandled inspired levels beyond what I thought was only possible with years of piano study before. I was born with perfect pitch and can sing anything but have no form musical background so I always struggled with creation besides raw audio, this device and program completely opened the world of DAWS to me and I am forever grateful.
Joseph Irwin
Game changer for someone who wants to make music without knowing how to play an instrument
I’ve been a vocalist for many years and have always wanted to begin creating instrumentals and beats of my own. When I first heard about what Vochlea was doing with Dubler I was so intrigued however at the time I felt I couldn’t justify the purchase due to being a university student. However after again hearing about Dubler 2 and how well it worked with microphones such as the Shure SM58, I decided to take the leap and purchase Dubler 2 for myself and it has honestly lived up to every expectation! Dubler 2 has provided me with so much creative freedom within my DAW even going as far as being able to operate plugins with my voice!
Tom Sinclair
Dream come true
For many years I’ve wanted a tool that could convert my voice to music. Music exists in my head that my inept instrument playing is unable to capture. Dubler unleashes that music now. It’s not perfect, which is likely connected to my poor singing! But it gives me a fantastic base to edit the tracks to match the vision. Thanks Dubler.; one happy purchase.
Ricky Williams
Be at one with your music with Dubler.
You are at one with your music, because you can use your voice to activate any instrument and sample of your choosing, triggered by your voice. That's amazing, because you have more personal involvement with your music, giving it more soul. You're being more at one with the machine, it becomes more of your instrument. Many musicians feel cold indifference with a computer than they would with an instrument like a guitar, but with Dubler the computer becomes more of your instrument and you can impart more of yourself into it, making it more soulful.
David Cardamone
Dubler 2 Great Customer Experience!
Once I unpacked my Dubler Studio Kit 2 I had all of the components I needed to vocally translate my musical ideas. As a singer, I started laying down my ideas much faster and more efficiently. The Dubler 2 Studio Kit with; Dubler 2 software, custom calibrated USB microphone, and Ableton Live (DAW) makes writing my own songs so much easier and more creative. I had an issue which was my pilot error. Vochlea Customer Support set up a Zoom call and in less than 10-20 minutes my questions and audio issue were resolved. I’m excited to continue working with the Dubler 2 and sharing my experiences.
Jacqueline Cenci-McGrody
Nothing feels more natural!
I was so done with the inspirationless clicking in notes or drums. But Dubler2 has given a medium in which I can create freely. Would recommend!
Anton Pycarelle
Dubler 2 is a GAME CHANGER
I am so excited about this new tool for my studio! I am primarily a vocalist and have always struggled with communicating my ideas on a keyboard. Dubler 2 is a game changer and has given me the confidence I need to co-produce new tracks in Ableton Live! Thank you Vochlea for this life changing gift :)
Margo Free
Bass baby!
Just wow! Having so much fun with this tool, especially the internal audio bass sounds. Some of my most dusty demos have been resuscitated. Thanks Vochlea!
Eivind Oygarden
Dubler has changed my life
The Dubler has opened up the possibilities of making music. Musical ideas in my head that I could not execute are now easily created with the Dubler 2. Thanks to this innovative invention, I am reaping the benefits of the software and mic.
Jeremy Finkelstein
Dubler 2 Delivers
Very easy learning curve and quick accurate live results and half the price of complex nearest rival that involves a lot of work, isn't realtime, is hit and miss, needing lots of correction. Dubler 2 simply works and is well worth the money.
Gary Hawtin
클럽 가입
최신 정보, 튜토리얼, 아티스트 콜라보등의 정보를 업데이트 받으시려면 이메일 주소를 입력하십시오.